situated in the centre of Umbria, on a hill rich in woods, dominating
the Umbrian valley, commanding a magnificent view of towns such as
Perugia, Assisi, Spello, from which it is 16-20 km away. Its origins are
Umbrian-Etruscan, as proved by several archeological finds. Its historic
centre is at 353m above sea-level, whereas its flat side is at 180 m
(medium altitude). The town and its hamlets are inhabited by an
efficient community of about 4,000 people.Thanks to its location,
Bettona has an excellent climate, with a mean annual temperature of
about 13°C, minimum temperature of 1°C in January and maximum
temperature of 24°C in July. The maximum rate of rainfall is in
October-November; the predominant winds are the west and the north ones.
Its typical productions include mainly olive oil, wine, salami and
quality dairy products. There are also some production activities on an
industrial scale in that area, mainly in the sectors of the building,
plant design, mechanics, papermaking and nursery. Tourist accommodation
facilities are constantly developing and can meet all different guests’
needs: from first-rate hotels, Bed and Breakfast, farm holidays to
country houses accommodations. Sites to see: S. Maria Maggiore’s church,
the small art collection in the Podestà’s Palace and the ruins of the
Etruscan and medieval walls.